Repositories (3)

1 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
This mysteriously-named little gem provides an interface between flask and SQLAlchemy, functionally parallel to flask-sqlalchemy but without all the spooky action-at-a-distance and weird side effects.  Ian wrote it, so if it's fucked up go talk to him first.

WARNING: At least on three seperate occassions (that I can think of right now) other third-party flask modules have expected use of flask-sqlalchemy and in only one of them was this not a breaking interaction.  The design decision to use this relates to keeping the important code present and readable and NOT buried under a mountain of 'assumptions-some-other-douchebag-made'.  Be careful when implementing third-party flask plugins to make sure that they don't mention assumptions re: flask-sqlalchemy.  IF YOU DO RUN INTO A BUG YOU THINK IS RELATED: ask yourself if the extension is really doing something we cannot do ourselves.  If you absolutely cannot live without the new shiny thing, you're gonna have to ask Ian to 'fix his code' to work with yours.  Good luck.

1 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
This mysteriously-named little gem provides an interface between flask and SQLAlchemy, functionally parallel to flask-sqlalchemy but without all the spooky action-at-a-distance and weird side effects.  Ian wrote it, so if it's fucked up go talk to him first.

WARNING: At least on three seperate occassions (that I can think of right now) other third-party flask modules have expected use of flask-sqlalchemy and in only one of them was this not a breaking interaction.  The design decision to use this relates to keeping the important code present and readable and NOT buried under a mountain of 'assumptions-some-other-douchebag-made'.  Be careful when implementing third-party flask plugins to make sure that they don't mention assumptions re: flask-sqlalchemy.  IF YOU DO RUN INTO A BUG YOU THINK IS RELATED: ask yourself if the extension is really doing something we cannot do ourselves.  If you absolutely cannot live without the new shiny thing, you're gonna have to ask Ian to 'fix his code' to work with yours.  Good luck.

2 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
you have to drink, it will tell them to do so as well.
Make a rule - if you want the game to remember your rules for you (esp. in the case of 'captain dickhead')
it will provide the player with an input and remember the rule for you.
'moose' : 'All players make moose antlers with their hands.  Last to do so drinks.',
            'all hail captain dickhead' : 'Current player is now Captain Dickhead!  You may make up any rules you like, at any time, with no restrictions.  These rules are in effect until the next Captain is chosen, at which time they expire.',
            '7 is fuck you' : 'Starting with the current player, players count in sequence from one.  Any time a number that\'s a multiple of seven is called, it must be replaced with \'fuck you\'.  First to screw up drinks.  Internet points for going fast.',