Repositories (1)

5 snippets stored for this repo
"You: I am going to go straight to the point if you straight with me, aight. We got a call about someone stealing mail. You are the only one in this vicinity that is walking around with mail. Did you steal it",
            "Suspect: fine man, you got me...good job sherlock",
            "You: Do you got any weapons on you?",
            "Suspect: nah man, who the fuck you think I am. Don't piss me off 'fore I beat yo ass up."
        private System.Windows.Forms.Keys EndKey = Config.CalloutEndKey;
        private System.Windows.Forms.Keys InteractionKey = Config.MainInteractionKey;
"~b~*Victim nods*",
         "~r~Suspect:~w~ What! You called the cops on me? You stupid bitch!",
         "~b~You:~w~ Sir, calm down!",
Game.DisplayNotification("It is ~y~Strongly Recommended~w~ to~g~ Update~b~ YobbinCallouts. ~w~Playing on an Old Version ~r~May Cause Issues!");
                                Game.LogTrivial("====================YOBBINCALLOUTS WARNING====================");
                                Game.LogTrivial("Outdated YobbinCallouts Version. Please Update if You Experience Issues!!");
                                Game.LogTrivial("I'm not a Dick so I don't use a killswitch, however I strongly encourage you to update for the best experience.");
                                Game.LogTrivial("====================YOBBINCALLOUTS WARNING====================");
                                UpToDate = false;
"~g~You:~w~ Hey, what happened here?",
         "~b~Caller:~w~ Some asshole cut me off when he changed lanes!",
         "~b~Caller:~w~ I honked at him; and he got really pissed off, officer.",
"~g~You:~w~ I see that. Are you okay?",
         "~b~Caller:~w~ I'm fine, but my car isn't! And you can't let that asshole get away with it either!",
         "~g~You:~w~ What did his car look like? Where did he go?", //add dashcam