Repositories (1)

7 snippets stored for this repo

  // guns rule, just do straight damage none of that pussy modify
  // for skill crap.  BLAM BLAM!
  if(dynamic_cast<const TGun *>(wielded)){
    return wepDam/2;
void TChest::lowCheck()
#if 0
  // this is retarded
  if (canWear(ITEM_TAKE)) {
    vlogf(LOG_LOW, format("Chest (%s:%d) set takeable.  Removing take flag.") %
           getName() % objVnum());
C++ IconC++
if ((int) (ptr - buf) >= (int) sizeof(buf)) {
    vlogf(LOG_MISC, "SHIT! buf overflow!");
      vlogf(LOG_BUG, "buf overflow");
job->john->doAction("", CMD_SNEER);
          job->john->doSay("Get the hell away from me you skank ghetto whore!");
job->john->doAction("", CMD_DROOL);
          job->john->doSay("Me Tarzan, you cheap whore.");
"You dive softly into the water, lessening the impact.\n\r",
   "$n dives into the waters from above, lucky bastard!!",
   "You slam into the water, well there goes the childhood memories.\n\r",
act("You poison $N with your stab!",
                  FALSE, tThief, NULL, tSucker, TO_CHAR);
              act("You begin to feel strange, that bastard $n just poisoned you!",
                  FALSE, tThief, NULL, tSucker, TO_VICT);
              act("$N gets a strange look on their face, apparently they are now poisoned!",
                  FALSE, tThief, NULL, tSucker, TO_NOTVICT);