Repositories (1)
3 snippets stored for this repo
</div></tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="3" name="No thanks love." tags="" position="389,404" size="100,100"><div class = "banner"><h1>ProzBot Asshole Hunter</div>
<div class = "content">
You are startled.
</div></tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="20" name="well done Mudock" tags="" position="820,964" size="100,100"><div class = "banner"><h1>ProzBot Asshole Hunter</div>
<div class = "content">
[[Cos I is lost boy, I is lost.]]
</div></tw-passagedata><tw-passagedata pid="8" name="Cos I is lost boy, I is lost." tags="" position="386,746" size="100,100"><div class = "banner"><h1>ProzBot Asshole Hunter</div>
<div class = "content">
Look, I am a whore, would you like to fuck now? So we can just get on with it.
<li>[[No, thanks love]]</li>
<li>[[Get your life on track]]</li>