Repositories (1)
6 snippets stored for this repo
zei[4] = 717429818501; // This guy is 6 primes. Another 19 lines just for him??
int g=-1, h=0, i, j, k, v=5, cunt, flag, num, plist [80000], somelist[120000] = {0};
double d1, d2, d3, d4;
while (num--){
cunt = 0;
scanf ("%lld %lld", &st, &ed);
int slut[11] = {0,0,1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45};
while (t!= 0){
output += mult * 45 * (t/10) + mult * slut[t%10] + (N%mult)*(t%10);
mult *= 10;
/* Cheating solution */
// Essentially get all possible knight tours, and just manually check them:
// People will see the solution that scored 0.00s, and they will think I am asshole.
// But if you see what I have done, maybe they'll be a bit more understanding???
// A N G E R Y.
std::cin >> x;
int piss = a + b + 1;
long long variable = pad(piss);
while (Q.size() < variable){