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We at RUDRAKSHA, are working on the Project Name “VAGUNAYA” under the Project Head “DRUG OF ADDICTION”, directed towards providing Health and Educational Support to youth and protect them from drugs addiction. Hallucinogenic drugs play a significant role in the development of religion since the middle of twentieth century. Herb is good for food, bad for the brain. Drugs are a constituent when taken results in altering the body functions, physically or psychologically. Consumption of drugs is an illegal practice as they can affect the central nervous system which results in disorders like change in mood, thinking and behaviour. Addiction to drugs usually starts with the use of recreational drug and gradually it becomes frequent. With time, an individual is so addicted that they may need larger doses to stay high as they tend to feel this state of mind as good. Gradually the drug use gets to increase and soon it becomes difficult to stay without having regular drug doses, which makes them physically and mentally ill.
According Drug addiction symptoms or behaviours includes intense urge for drug, consuming drug more than the usual quantity, having a permanent supply of maintaining drugs, continuing drug usage irrespective of having many problems and doing things that you never wanted to do. There are many reasons because of which people are consuming drugs and most importantly many teenagers are considering drugs as the solution to every problem. Teenagers want to consume drugs because they have seen many films, series, etc, from which they got to know about this thing. They tend to have a perception after watching the films or shows that drugs will solve their problems, but the reality is the opposite. Many of them consume because they want to experiment with drugs. People consume drugs due to many reasons like everybody is doing it, so you are doing the same. Teenagers tend to consume because of their friends, but they don’t know that drugs can ruin their friendship completely. They feel like drugs can help them to deal with stress. Drugs change the way of thinking and leads to depression, anxiety and other mental illness. According to the census reports, the following findings have been made. Every year 2.5 million people die due to alcohol and drug use worldwide. In India, there are around 75 crore drug abusers, Haryana- 63.3%, Ambala- 60%. People in the age group of 12-18 years consume alcohol of around 21.9%, cannabis- 3%, Opiates- 0.7%, Illicit drug- 3.6%. According to a piece of recent news by Tribune in Aug 20, "Punjab Excise Department has seized in a total of 27,600 litres of illicit chemicals which contains spirit in raids conducted at factories of Dera Bassi in Mohali on 9th August 2020. During the raid, seven people were arrested and the factories have been sealed. Officials found a factory in Dera Bassi manufacturing unauthorised chemicals like isopropyl alcohol stores in 136 drums of 200 litres each."Heroin is an opioid drug which is made from morphine, i.e. is a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. It can be a white or brown powder or can be like a black sticky thing known as black tar heroin. People inject, sniff, snort, or smoke heroin. Also, some people mix it with crack cocaine, called speedballing. Crack cocaine, the crystal form of cocaine, usually available in powder form. Its colour varies from yellow to pale rose or white. It is named as crack because it is heated and smoked, and make a very cracking or popping sound when heated. It is the riskiest form of cocaine as it is between 75% to 100% pure, far stronger and more potent than regular cocaine.
Corona virus/ Covid-19 undoubtedly has put every country in lockdown. Several lakh had lost their lives; but apart from the deadly condition all around, the beneficiary had shown in the improvement of environment. By no traffic on road, less contribution to air pollution, slow down in the process of releasing waste in oceans by large industries. Finally, nature takes its breath. As quoted by Francois Gemenne, director of the Hugo Observatory “Strangely enough, I think the death toll of the corona virus at the end of the day might be positive if you consider the deaths from atmospheric pollution,". ‘If we want to live better , we need to treat our nature better’. This is the only message by nature for us. Since this lockdown has started in the month of march in India till now the data of pollution has decreased. After like many years we took breath in clean atmosphere. Birds are flocking back and its really beautiful to get close to mother nature.
Amphetamines are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. They are used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Adverse effects include restlessness acne and blurred vision. Side effects include seizures, heart problems and psychosis.Opioids are a type of drugs that include illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, etc. Opioid drugs are treated chemically and interact with receptors on nerve cells in the body and the brain. It relieves the pain in a very short time and can be misused in a different way or in a larger quantity than prescribed. In a study conducted by NIDA found that, after initiating the treatment, both a buprenorphine combination and an extended-release naltrexone formulation are similarly effective in treating opioid addiction.
2 snippets stored for this repo
We at RUDRAKSHA, are working on the Project Name “VAGUNAYA” under the Project Head “DRUG OF ADDICTION”, directed towards providing Health and Educational Support to youth and protect them from drugs addiction. Hallucinogenic drugs play a significant role in the development of religion since the middle of twentieth century. Herb is good for food, bad for the brain. Drugs are a constituent when taken results in altering the body functions, physically or psychologically. Consumption of drugs is an illegal practice as they can affect the central nervous system which results in disorders like change in mood, thinking and behaviour. Addiction to drugs usually starts with the use of recreational drug and gradually it becomes frequent. With time, an individual is so addicted that they may need larger doses to stay high as they tend to feel this state of mind as good. Gradually the drug use gets to increase and soon it becomes difficult to stay without having regular drug doses, which makes them physically and mentally ill.
According Drug addiction symptoms or behaviours includes intense urge for drug, consuming drug more than the usual quantity, having a permanent supply of maintaining drugs, continuing drug usage irrespective of having many problems and doing things that you never wanted to do. There are many reasons because of which people are consuming drugs and most importantly many teenagers are considering drugs as the solution to every problem. Teenagers want to consume drugs because they have seen many films, series, etc, from which they got to know about this thing. They tend to have a perception after watching the films or shows that drugs will solve their problems, but the reality is the opposite. Many of them consume because they want to experiment with drugs. People consume drugs due to many reasons like everybody is doing it, so you are doing the same. Teenagers tend to consume because of their friends, but they don’t know that drugs can ruin their friendship completely. They feel like drugs can help them to deal with stress. Drugs change the way of thinking and leads to depression, anxiety and other mental illness. According to the census reports, the following findings have been made. Every year 2.5 million people die due to alcohol and drug use worldwide. In India, there are around 75 crore drug abusers, Haryana- 63.3%, Ambala- 60%. People in the age group of 12-18 years consume alcohol of around 21.9%, cannabis- 3%, Opiates- 0.7%, Illicit drug- 3.6%. According to a piece of recent news by Tribune in Aug 20, "Punjab Excise Department has seized in a total of 27,600 litres of illicit chemicals which contains spirit in raids conducted at factories of Dera Bassi in Mohali on 9th August 2020. During the raid, seven people were arrested and the factories have been sealed. Officials found a factory in Dera Bassi manufacturing unauthorised chemicals like isopropyl alcohol stores in 136 drums of 200 litres each."Heroin is an opioid drug which is made from morphine, i.e. is a natural substance taken from the seed pod of the various opium poppy plants grown in Southeast and Southwest Asia, Mexico, and Colombia. It can be a white or brown powder or can be like a black sticky thing known as black tar heroin. People inject, sniff, snort, or smoke heroin. Also, some people mix it with crack cocaine, called speedballing. Crack cocaine, the crystal form of cocaine, usually available in powder form. Its colour varies from yellow to pale rose or white. It is named as crack because it is heated and smoked, and make a very cracking or popping sound when heated. It is the riskiest form of cocaine as it is between 75% to 100% pure, far stronger and more potent than regular cocaine.
Corona virus/ Covid-19 undoubtedly has put every country in lockdown. Several lakh had lost their lives; but apart from the deadly condition all around, the beneficiary had shown in the improvement of environment. By no traffic on road, less contribution to air pollution, slow down in the process of releasing waste in oceans by large industries. Finally, nature takes its breath. As quoted by Francois Gemenne, director of the Hugo Observatory “Strangely enough, I think the death toll of the corona virus at the end of the day might be positive if you consider the deaths from atmospheric pollution,". ‘If we want to live better , we need to treat our nature better’. This is the only message by nature for us. Since this lockdown has started in the month of march in India till now the data of pollution has decreased. After like many years we took breath in clean atmosphere. Birds are flocking back and its really beautiful to get close to mother nature.
Amphetamines are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. They are used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. Adverse effects include restlessness acne and blurred vision. Side effects include seizures, heart problems and psychosis.Opioids are a type of drugs that include illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, etc. Opioid drugs are treated chemically and interact with receptors on nerve cells in the body and the brain. It relieves the pain in a very short time and can be misused in a different way or in a larger quantity than prescribed. In a study conducted by NIDA found that, after initiating the treatment, both a buprenorphine combination and an extended-release naltrexone formulation are similarly effective in treating opioid addiction.