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3 snippets stored for this repo
“Nothing ever happens in this place anyway I’ll just blag some shizniz to dem shitheads”.<br>

        “Kid Its important so don’t muck about, if you ever want to become more than a sheap fucking peasant you need to earn their favour” <br>

        “Aright fine I’ll try”. Though he knew he wouldn’t and Talion could see Von’s sardonic smile.<br>
<p>“I thought a sheapered would have <b>more</b> respect!”</p>
        <p>“I dident ask for your bloody opinion”</p>
        <p>“*annoyed gasp of air* I’LL HAVE YOU KNO…” “GET BUK ERE YA FILTHY RASCAL!” Shouted someone from a third story building, interrupting the girl. “TCH, disgusting peasants” she said under her breath and ran of like the road runner from looney tunes. “Surprisingly fast for a fatty” thought Von </p>
        <p> Later that night he met with his mentor, the former ranger of the southern cites named Talion, and began his training. He was granted exposure to a tiny amount of wiseness which let hit train a weeks’ worth in an hour. It was due to this that Von could fend of wolves single handily “<i>and not work with those other pussy sheapereds</i>” was his opinion.  Talion smiled, “Kid the council wants your report in next week so you better have something ready”. <br>

        “Nothing ever happens in this place anyway I’ll just blag some shizniz to dem shitheads”.<br>
<p>Important things to note: Sheap- the alter-earth versions of sheep. <br>sheapered- the alter-earth version of shepherd. <br>ironwood- wood from a metal saturated tree that agonises beast because of the nature element embeded within it.<br>
          Zaibathopia-Zaibathiopia streets and houses were made out of mud and hardend shit, only shops and important buildings were made out of wood. Any high-class citizen would vomit at the sight of such a ugly town. <br> The town was named after a woman who was a fallen noble tryed to take over her fathers land but failed misrably. She was crucified for being a witch and was later reancaneted as a lich queen only to be slayn by the man she had a crush one.
          To add even more shit to this tale the slayer shat on her mouth and buried her with horse shit. To Keep her from reencarnating again her father built Zaibathiopia for a class lower than lowborn known as shitheads. An that is how Zaibathopia was created</p>
        <p>Ranger- A man tasked with protecting his lands from sanity spawns with his enhanced abilities. Rangers are trained with wiseness granted for a short time that allows the training for 1000 days to be completed within a single day. They train for 3 years at which point they can accumulate their own wiseness even if it doesn’t last long.</p>

        <h3><i>Note inportant plot points missed : family, ranger abilitys , trainign, temple, concil of shitheads, demi-gods, scapegoat, arciologist.</i></h3>