Repositories (2)

3 snippets stored for this repo
Shell IconShell
goto fubar;
	Totsecs = 0;
	if (Filcnt==0) {	/* bitch if we couldn't open ANY files */
		fprintf(stderr,"\r\nCan't open any requested files.\n");
		return ERROR;
if (wwvtime >= nowtime)
		printf("advanced %ld sec\n", wwvtime-nowtime);
		printf("retarded %ld sec\n", nowtime-wwvtime);
	if ((wf = open("/usr/adm/wtmp", 1)) >= 0) {
		lseek(wf, 0L, 2);
while (*pt++ = *ps++);

/*   Testing of expressions and operators is quite complicated,
     because (a) problems are apt to surface in queer combinations
     of operators and operands, rather than in isolation,
     and (b) the number of expressions needed to provoke a case
     of improper behaviour may be quite large. Hence, we take the
1 snippets stored for this repo
*) continue ;;

	# FIXME: The handling of JSON output is completely retarded.
	curl '' -sF "image=@$file" \
		-H "Authorization: Client-ID ${IMGUR_CLIENT_ID-c9a6efb3d7932fd}" \
		-H 'Expect: ' \