Repositories (3)
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# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
# Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
# No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
wpuser_list = {}
sql_query = ""
1 snippets stored for this repo
size = *(ULONG *)res;
csize = *(ULONG *)(res + 8);
res = res + 16;
if (!(out = (PUCHAR)malloc(sizeof(UCHAR) * size))) // Fucking bad leaks above
return (NULL);
if (uncompress(out, &size, res, csize) != Z_OK)
2 snippets stored for this repo
// hook my own function like a nigga because microsoft wont let me use inline asm
// padding for the shellcode
// hook my own function like a nigga because microsoft wont let me use inline asm
BOOLEAN PlaceEverythingHook()