Repositories (1)

4 snippets stored for this repo
var (
	inlineSearch   = regexp.MustCompile(`(http:\/\/\d{2}\.media\.tumblr\.com\/\w{32}\/tumblr_inline_\w+\.\w+)`) // FIXME: Possibly buggy/unoptimized.
	videoSearch    = regexp.MustCompile(`"hdUrl":".*(tumblr_\w+)"`)                                           // fuck it
	altVideoSearch = regexp.MustCompile(`source src=".*(tumblr_\w+)(?:\/\d+)?" type`)
	gfycatSearch   = regexp.MustCompile(`href="https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?gfycat\.com\/(\w+)`)
err = json.Unmarshal(contents, &blog)
			if err != nil {
				// Goddamnit tumblr, make a consistent API that doesn't
				// fucking return strings AND booleans in the same field

				ioutil.WriteFile("json_error.txt", contents, 0644)
				log.Println("Unmarshal:", err)
inlineSearch   = regexp.MustCompile(`(http:\/\/\d{2}\.media\.tumblr\.com\/\w{32}\/tumblr_inline_\w+\.\w+)`) // FIXME: Possibly buggy/unoptimized.
	videoSearch    = regexp.MustCompile(`"hdUrl":".*(tumblr_\w+)"`)                                           // fuck it
	altVideoSearch = regexp.MustCompile(`source src=".*(tumblr_\w+)(?:\/\d+)?" type`)
// Goddamnit tumblr, make a consistent API that doesn't
				// fucking return strings AND booleans in the same field