Repositories (6)

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# Nil returns a value-typed sexp.

  def process_nil(exp)
    # don't do a fucking thing until... we have something to do
    # HACK: wtf to do here? (what type is nil?!?!)
    return t(:nil, CType.value)
1 snippets stored for this repo
{ :id => 19, :title => "Your own personal gemserver", :description => "Serve your own gems and protect your deployments from Rubygems hiccoughs using Geminabox, Nginx, and Guard.", :presenter => "Jack Foy", :kind => "intermediate", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 18, :title => "You're Killing Me", :description => "Ruby is famous for a technique called metaprogramming.  This technique can be\r\nused for good, or for eval.  In this talk, we'll explore ways to leverage\r\nmetaprogramming, as well as how to deal with code that is out of control.\r\nWe'll use examples of Metaprogramming Gone Bad to study techniques for dealing\r\nwith legacy code, and discovering the most effective way to harness the power\r\nof code generation without the maintenance nightmare.", :presenter => "Aaron Patterson", :kind => "advanced", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 20, :title => "Pry for fun and profit!", :description => "Like, IRB, Pry is a REPL for Ruby. It has some great features, such as syntax highlighting, automatic pagination, code introspection, and runtime invocation, and it can make your life easier. I'll show you a few of my favorite features.", :presenter => "Leigh Caplan", :kind => "intermediate", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 17, :title => "I have zero fucking clue at this point", :description => "Debugging with Rubinius. How to set break points, step into and out of functions and inspect variables with Rubinius.", :presenter => "Mike Thompson", :kind => "lightning", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 5, :title => "Regular Expressions in Ruby: Moving beyond sub and gsub", :description => "Many of us approach regular expressions with a certain fear and trepidation, using them only when absolutely necessary.  We can get by when we need to use them, but we hesitate to dive any deeper into their cryptic world.  Ruby has so much more to offer us.  This talk will showcase advanced regular expression techniques include grouping, lookahead and lookbehinds.   Are your regular expressions greedy, lazy, or possessive?  Learn how to change their behavior for the better.  You will walk away with tools and techniques to harness the power of Ruby regular expressions and bring beauty and elegance into your code.", :presenter => "Nell Shamrell", :kind => "intermediate", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 32, :title => "N Things I Learned About CoffeeScript (Where N is Bounded by Time and Interest)", :description => "I've spent the last year writing a whole lot of CoffeeScript and not that much Ruby. Maybe there are things I can share with you? Maybe you are interested? Or maybe you're just showing up for Free Beer...", :presenter => "Dean Hudson", :kind => "beginner", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => nil, :event_id => 1 },
  { :id => 11, :title => "Ruby stdlib's Set", :description => "Using the Set class from ruby's stdlib.", :presenter => "pete higgins", :kind => "lightning", :email => "[email protected]", :completed => true, :scheduled_date => "2013-04-02", :event_id => 1 },
1 snippets stored for this repo
worst = scores.sort_by { |k,v| -v[:total] }.first(max)
    report_worst "Worst Projects EVAR", worst do |project, score|
      owner = $owners[project].join(', ') rescue nil
      owner = "Some Lazy Bastard" if owner.empty?
      raise "#{project} seems not to have an owner" if owner.nil?
      [score[:total], project, owner]
1 snippets stored for this repo
Ruby IconRuby
self[0..-1] = other_str
    self.taint if other_str.tainted?
    return self
1 snippets stored for this repo
Ruby IconRuby
class Buffer

  # TODO: switch these to instance variables and clean this shit up
  @@buf = ""
  @@bufLen = 0
  @@pos = 0
1 snippets stored for this repo
Ruby IconRuby

  # Bitch about a file that is missing data or unparsable for intuiting values.

  def missing name
    warn "** #{name} is missing or in the wrong format for auto-intuiting."