Source Code Containing the Phrase "cuck"
We have detected over 170 code snippets in our database containing the word "cuck"
Recent Snippets
"you really like taking L's",
"damn, you're taking L's fatter than the nigger cock in your BBC cuck porn ",
"you're the type of guy to quickdrop irl ",
"yellow showers",
"yellow showers",
xvideos|retard|retarded|porno|deepfake|erection|thirst trap|erection|
kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|
while True:
cap = raw_input('Enter a captcha: ')
if c == '1':
cv = ['tips fedora ', 'kill yourself ', 'desu ', 'jew ', 'nigger-rigged ', 'cucked ', 'tfw ', 'ITT: ', 'memed ', 'fizz buzzed ']
co = ['fedora ', 'jew ', 'nigger ', 'cuck ', 'reddit ', 'tumblr ', 'bane ', 'ITT: ', 'faggot ','meme ', 'autist ', 'waifu ', 'semen demon ', 'fizz buzz ', 'trap ',': the thread ', 'doge ', 'pleb ', 'feel ']
com = ['a shit', 'fedora tipping ', 'an-heroing ', 'JUST ', 'jew ', 'nigger ', 'cuck ', 'based ', 'reddit-tier ', 'tumblr-tier ', 'baneposting ', 'literally ', 'faggot ','meme ', 'autistic ', 'fizz buzz-tier ', 'shit tier ', 'god tier ',':the thread ', 'pleb ', 'for free ','objectively ']
cg = ['Argentina is white', 'jet fuel can\'t melt steel beams','install gentoo', 'ayy lmao', 'it\'s happening', 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE', 'huehuehuehuehue', 'umad?', '''>>>/pol/''']
[ what should i make her do? <br><br>Put a dildo herself with her face in the pic.</br></br> Sharpie in pooper? <br>lose weight</br> Post the actual pic, not a screenshot. Also, time stamp in your "send" box <br>this.</br> <br>/thread</br> <br>Thirded</br> <br>this. deepthroat something. tell her to put mascara on and then get it runny. thatll be hot</br> <br>fourtheded</br> Sharpie in pooper boobs <br>Shoe on head.</br> Where's her asshole? Am I looking at this pic wrong or what the fuck? lose weight <br>lose weight apparently</br> <br>buried deep in the folds of fat</br> Confirmed whale.<br><br>Why do you think she just has a picture of her face OP.<br><br>No one wants this shit,</br></br></br></br> Gag herself with her pissed in knickers (panties) White Knight Win<br><span class="deadlink">>>631002191 </br> WHOOOOA, I AM FRIENDS WITH NICOLE!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT! <br><br>just post more of her</br></br> <br>go on...</br> Make her suck your dick Ryan! DO IT RYAN <br>ftw, post her fb id</br> <br><br>texting her now</br></br> <br>why?</br> <br>GG</br> <br>Kek'd & rekt <br>Post screens please</br></br> <br> IT <br>Just found OP too. Dead easy. Should hide names better Ryan. I'm on the Wirral. Would be comedy to have mutual friends</br></br> <br>At least wait for OP to deliver</br> <br>what about the 2nd girl in the chat op?</br> <br><br><br><br><br>no reply yet. sent her a screenshot of the fb post.</br></br></br></br></br> His and her t shirts and your posting her fanny over the net.<br><br>She'll be chuffed.</br></br> <br><br>winrar</br></br> <br>vote for donald trump. for teh lulz.</br> <br>Ryan Fitzgerald</br> <br>The athleet?</br> Is that even a pussy? I'm not sure what I'm looking at here No problem Nicole Carroll<br>that is the grill in pic</br> fb link: /ryan.fitzgerald.9655 <br>Kanker</br> Poor a bucket of water on her and call greenpeace <br>Kanker</br> That was the moment, OP realized, he fucked up. Found him and the girl /b/ros<br>/ryan.fitzgerald.9655<br>/nicole95williams<br><br>Do as you will</br></br></br></br> <br><br>Oboy we got OP's name? WAT DO? :)</br></br> Send him semi boner pics Toasting in epic bread <br>gj sherlock, after everything was posted already</br> <br>"Heeft een relatie"<br><br>kek.</br></br></br> I bet Nicole would love to know that the internet is seeing her pussy anyone message her yet? lol op is retart <br>It's easier then having to look it up yourself fuckhead</br> <br><br><br><br><br><br>And that was the moment after which their relationship would never be the same. Ryan betrayed Nicole's trust.</br></br></br></br></br></br> Haha book mark op's fb this and come back in a week this faggot is gonna get dumped so hard <br><br>i have already done it for u /B/ros</br></br> <br>Nah. Felt harsh. She is on holiday and bought Ryan a his and hers t shirt set. Would spoil the moment</br> Normshits, when will they learn? <br>Pics</br> <br>you are doing gods work<br>keep us updated with response</br></br> <br>Pics or it didn't happen</br> <br> what should i make her do? <br>How about break up with you because you've violated her trust, douche? There's gonna be some blowback on this one, friend.</br></br> pls respond <br><br/></br> Well i dunno if anyone wrote to his GF yet but i did she is well informed of the situation <br>send her the pic op posted of the convo</br> <br>and now we wait for shit to hit the fan</br> This thread. <br>everybody already did</br> <br>ah come on<br>errytime something fun happens a whiteknight appears</br></br> How the fuck do you find facebook profiles so quickly? <br>Lurking</br> <br>that's what i'm trying to figure out. I need /b/ to teach me the ways</br> <br>mustard gas meme</br> <br>This isn't whitekinighting this is simply trolling a troll. Fucking faggots everywhere. This is infinitely funnier and actual degrades the woman more.</br> topkekm8 <br>I found the name and then scrolled through profile pics. Dont know if there is a faster way</br> <br>OP is shit at masking names in chat.<br>Find the friends find the girl.</br></br> Don't mind me toasting on a potentially epic bread <br>We aren't good people here</br> <br> degrades the woman more <br>listen boy im here for the tits. who cares about degrading someone? is this like a thing now?</br></br> <br>Lel<br>Life=ruined<br>WHEN WILL THEY LEARN?!?!</br></br></br> <br>Introduction to hacking first semester MIT</br> <br>All i saw was this</br> <br><br><br><br> yep now we wait still no reply <br> because OP did not hide his shit well enough that's why it was so easy <br> lurking like a god <br> no white night im doing my deeds as ha i just fucked up ur shit OP </br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <br> spoonfeeding </br> I'd like to thank the mods for exposing this misogynistic OP. Im going to screenshot this and hopefully gain a few followers and notes on Tumblr. I can't believe 4chan is finally on the side of feminist and exposing this scum men that betray women. <br>this is actually more funny then op's post</br> <br>Oh yes, i believe that could be handy<br>Thank you :*</br></br> <br>troll harder</br> <br>OP is from Skem.<br><br>His life was already ruined</br></br></br> <br> you are a fucking fag </br> <br>nice b8 m8<br>kill yourself fucking faggot</br></br> <br><br>Dat stinky, tasty bait</br></br> <br>This. It would have taken another 10 seconds to mask them properly but no.</br> <br>Nah, its just that fucking with people and distroying their lives is far more entertaining then asking for nudes.<br><br>We do this shit for teh luls</br></br></br> <br>is this real life or op just got cucked?</br> the moment you relies you msged them on you'r main account<br> shit may have fucked up <br> shit might of fucked up more than OP <br> RIP me </br></br></br> <br> look mom i am anonymooose xDDDD </br> <br>dis girl is freakin out on op right now<br><br>op is now single.</br></br></br> Kip of that wool as well.<br><br>No-one will know what that means unless they're from Merseyside.<br><br>So OP is this girls now-ex?<br><br>Wonder what she done to get him pissed:<br><br>Reckon she was playing the skin-flute when she was abroad?</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>keep going</br> <br>Send her the pic!</br> Please /a/rchive for further use <br>This just got interesting.</br> <br>Saying prayers my friend</br> Awyeah we're live <br>she has already been sent the pic u dumb shit</br> Wonder where OP went :D You guys think he's in here reading this? ^^ Where the hell is op anyway? <br>getting dumped and killing himself</br> <br>Probably trying to damage control.</br> <br>I hope so !!!! XDXDDXDDD LOLOL</br> OP is clearly shitting bricks. <br>Dat pussy looks like from a 9 y/o, nice!<br>Her age?<br><br> inb4 404 </br></br></br></br> <br>hahaha little late for that :D</br> aww it was nearing a year The most comforting take away from all of this is that, Nicole will most likely find another man in a few months and emerge from the whole ordeal unscathed, albeit maybe with some trust issues but all around probably wiser from it all.<br><br>While Ryan on the other hand will continue to be a huge fucking faggot for the rest of his life and stagnate on the shitpool that is /b/ until he chokes to death on the exponentially increasing bundle of cocks that he must suck to feed his insatiable hunger. <br><br>I look forward to this inevitability.</br></br></br></br> <br>theres a 95 in her fb name so I think we can guess 20</br> <br>this is the fate of us all</br> Ryan, the OP, to be concrete-shoe'd and thrown into the River Mersey by some of her angry friends.<br><br>This gon' be gud.</br></br> Anybody told his girlfriend yet ? She has a vid of 2 cringe faggots sword fighting <br>HAHA OP you thought you could be a misogynist loser and try to degrade her but my good friends on 4cha didn't let it happen good work b standing up for that poor girl, she deserves better than op</br> She goes to Liverpool (no)Hope University so she is at least 18. <br>what's this?</br> Xd sorry pal And in an effort to impress strangers on an obsucre bulletin-board, OP's life was ruined <br>serious?</br> <br>faggot</br> <br> well from what i have seen OP and his grill live in Liverpool OP'S grill goes to university so yer <br> enjoy the info </br></br> How did you guys even get her to see your messages? My fb won't even connect to her and asks for money to deliver the message. <br>you need to buy 4chan gold</br> <br>serious</br> <br>Its just beyond the paywall dude, it sucks but facebook charges for a membership now.</br> <br>i've never seen that money thing before... that's a joke like</br> <br>REKT</br> <br> obscure <br> 4chan <br>Pick one</br></br></br> This is what happens if you support liverpool Send her link to this thread<br>OP might play it off like his fb got hacked</br> <br>Shave balls</br> Fuck you all<br><br>How can I delete the thread</br></br> <br>already did when we found out identity</br> <br>if this site is not so obscure then who is this hacker 4chan?</br> send it to his parents <br>Is it really??? COuld it be?? :D</br> <br>too late bitch</br> <br>Send a request to 4chan support email</br> <br>en het is begonen</br> <br>You can't</br> <br>Buy 4chan Gold</br> <br>IS OP?</br> <br>this is gold, grandma?</br> <br><br>win</br></br> <br>Looks more like they're having sex kek</br> <br>This is fucking hilarious</br> <br>:D</br> <br><br>top kek, looking forward to my destiny</br></br> <br>Morgan Fairhurst her aunt<br><br>Marie Fitzgerald his aunt</br></br></br> OP is not her girfriend, the fb screenshot was in dutch and she is from the uk Now i havent been here long but over this past week ive not liked what ive seen.... you guys have ruined multiples peoples lifes and its just sickening and disheartening to see idk whats going on recently but i want the old b back <br>Are you retarded?</br> <br>su faggit</br> I just wanted to deliver some epic fapping material but you started your hurr durr anonymous shit. I just told her I was hacked and I am feeling like shit and she is more into me telling me that it is ok, so you can all eat shit. <br> what is long distance relationships </br> <br>you must pluck forty pubes (one for each kek) and blow them into the wind like a dandelion. Then pray to the almighty moot while rubbing toothpaste on your nipples and using your fingerbox. This will resolve your issue within the fortnight</br> <br>what is this curedonut ?<br>go fuck yourself land whale</br></br> <br>and maybee they are sending pics because his on a trip?</br> <br>daddy, tell us about the old /b</br> <br>Maybe his language setting was on Dutch fucktard?</br> <br> what should i make her do? <br> Lose some weight. good lord what a fupa</br></br> <br> haven't been here long <br> want the old b back <br>whut?<br><br> captcha told me to find all the juice <br> i immediately check'd the attic </br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>she is hot, i'll give you that. why stop now?</br> <br>wrote that to her</br> <br>topb8m8</br> Looks like this trick could come in handy anytime soon Ryan.<br>Let's hope she's not right.</br> <br>Are you retarded?</br> <br>Lol hou gewoon uw bakkes stoeme hollander</br> <br>we do not share the same definition of epic</br> <br>someone screencap this post and send it to her fb in a message<br>let her know the truth<br>do it for the kekz</br></br></br> <br>Kek</br> Perhaps he thought if he shared a picture of pussy he'd get some pussy Hey everyone, it's time for Game of /b/ros! Who's up for some go/b/?<br><br>This time with a twist. I've noticed that a lot of people have lost interest in go/b/ because eventually, it all get's boring. So, I decided to mix it up a little. This is an old map, but as most of you can see, with an entirely new continent in the oceans. Atlantis has come, and which one among you will be the one to gain it's power and reign as King of Atlantis.<br><br>PLEASE! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! READ WHAT IS WRITTEN ON THE MAP. I'm a no shit's given OP, so please read the included explanation for the Atlantis DLC. Also, to those thinking of soloing the quest, don't. You see how many T's Atlantis has? Not to mention how difficult taking the stronghold is. You'll need allies.<br><br>Also, no fucking hugboxing. No having more than two allies people. You can break an alliance, but only once per thread. Now, good luck to you all.<br><br>We'll start with five players. There have also been some changed rules concerning how to become KoA. Please read them all.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> what happened last time, why was it deleted <br>I deleted it because of the raging faggot storming around. <br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br> this isn't look good today <br>i wish he would just get banned<br> Dragonpit </br></br> <br>If we give up, we let him win. So shut up and play.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br> <br>claiming Targaryen<br> Dragonpit Targaryen <br> NAP: <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Dragons (1/1) </br></br></br></br></br></br> <br><br><br>You people still need to claim houses.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br></br> <br>two of the people you replied to was me<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br> <br><br>claim astapor again<br><br><br> King Chevos III </br></br></br></br></br> <br>Claiming Volantis.<br><br> Triarch Racyrryon Thrace of Volantis, Leader of the Elephant Party, Wielder of the Bastard Sword “Ballcleaver”, The Master of Slavers, The Calm, The Crooked, The Cunning, The Intelligent, The Thoughtful and The Effervescent Elephant <br> Alliances: <br> Non Aggression Pacts: </br></br></br></br></br> <br>hello King Chevos III of Astapor<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br> Claim Lannister<br><br> sig inc </br></br> <br>claim stark<br><br> Blom Stark </br></br></br> part 1 of my plan is to try to defeat Dothrakie because the last two games with atlantis they fucked me over, LET THE GAMES BEGIN!<br><br>ROLL TO THIS POST.<br><br> OP Mars. </br></br></br></br> <br><br>Hello Dragonpit Martell<br><br> > King Chevos III <br> Allies <br> Bonus: RotW </br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>im Targaryen</br> <br>I attack Dohtraki<br> Dragonpit Martell <br> NAP: Tyrell <br> Allies: <br> Permission: <br> Bonus: Unbroken, Unbent </br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>Stark > North of the wall<br><br> Blom Stark <br> Allies: <br> Bonus: Winter is coming </br></br></br></br></br> <br><br>Astapor > unclaimed lands to west and into dothrak<br><br> King Chevos III <br> Allies <br> Bonus: RotW </br></br></br></br></br></br> i was actually thinking about being Dothraki earlier and roleplaying as a missionary of Judaism Authentic rape(currently The Clockwork Orange, that's what inspired this thread) <br> Cucking <br> Cannibalism </br></br> Oh, I'm a girl btw :)) <br><br> Survive school shooting <br> Get nervous when seated in a crowd like a lecture hall <br> Get nervous running in a crowd </br></br></br></br> <br><br>ITT a fagget like op always is <br>why rape and cannibalism m8<br>also tits?</br></br></br></br> Tits and timestamp. But older guys dating young girls. My friends and I used to fuck the guy up bc morals <br>This is not me! I'm a male!</br> People who don't understand how consent works "HUR, GAY MARRIAGE WILL LEAD TO CHILD MARRIAGE!" <br> People who don't understand how context works "HUR, YOU SAID THE N-WORD, YOU SO RACIST FOR SIMPLY SAYING IT!" <br>That's pretty much it for now.</br></br> <br>The Walking Dead(the game) scene disturbed me for some reason.</br> new age feminism <br> arguing/debating using context and subjectivity <br> oversensitive people <br> insensitive people <br> glorification of any gender or race <br><br>that shit makes me enter hulkmode</br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>its a ruse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</br> <br>thats gay m8 the only reason i dont do that stuff my self its becasue i can find vids and dont wanna give my family a bad rep</br> <br>if you get "triggered" by anything you should genuinely kill yourself.<br>Unless you have literal PTSD (none of that tumblr tier shit either) or have a fear of something due to an extremely traumatic event in your life then you have no excuse.</br></br> <br><br>For Cannibalism. Also how is not eating people gay.</br></br> <br>Robbie you are a fucking faggot. I hope carly passes away from suffocating in her own roles</br> People who worship artists <br> All these new shitty pop/dj/tekno and all that sort of shitty efortless to make music "artists" <br>And yep that's that i sometimes can't resist and have to fucking bite my lip or my finger because the frustration level is really high</br></br> <br> Cannibalism </br> <br>which scene? (never played, interested in looking it up)</br> <br>casue its gay pleb</br> Ok so I just bought weed for the first time. I wanted an 8th. Does this look like an eighth and how quality does this shit look? The person I bought from said its really dense and that's why it doesnt look like alot. <br>you're fine. just grind it up and smoke</br> <br>Looks decent.</br> <br>thats the thing i absolutely need a grinder or can i just use my hands?</br> <br>What about you stupid stoners buy a fucking balance or ask your dealer to weight it in front of you.</br> <br><br>Nice trips<br>Nice dubs</br></br></br> <br>little on the light side, <br><br>but looks like some decent suburban bud to me.<br><br>tear that shit up young fag.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Put it in a cup and go to town on it with some scissors.</br> yep look decent, how much do you pay for these? <br>This</br> <br>Store bought stoners, it's a new thing.</br> <br><br>Or maybe you read and see that i've never smoked weed before so i dont fucking know how it all goes...</br></br> <br>dont smoke too much or else ur mind is gonna get overwhelmed. One bowl full should be more than enough.</br> <br>That looks tasty OP, I am proud son</br> <br>looks fine<br><br>smoke it, I'll join you</br></br></br> How much did you pay though. <br>Or just use your fingers to pull it apart.</br> <br>60 bucks. is that aight? I live in ohio if that matters.</br> Quality looks fairly good, amount may be a bit low but if it is indeed dense as he claimed it may be alright. You'll get far worse than that, OP, have a fun time. You also don't need a grinder, it's just easier if you do have one, both in terms of time consumption and rolling. <br> i've never smoked weed before so i dont fucking know how it all goes... <br>How does that stops you from buying a fucking balance to verify how much you got, you fucking buddy</br></br> <br>also fine, 15/g is normal for black market bud<br>it gets much higher and lower depending on where you lkive and what the laws are</br></br> <br>because he doesn't know any better you sadistic fuckwit, no bully</br> <br>50 for an 8th is pretty standard. You weren't hooked up by any means, but if shit's really dank you weren't ripped off.</br> <br>How are newbies gonna get pro if you don't bully them</br> I dont pay over 40 an eighth, but I also buy 2g/20 so that's a better deal than an eighth..<br><br>Over a year ago it was 15 a g lol</br></br> it's decent quality. not bad, not great. <br><br>fine amount. <br><br>you might have gotten shorted like a half a gram but if you have to ask, i'd say you did well for yourself here</br></br></br></br> s/o to washington where I get $550 qps of mids or better <br><br>I guess every problem in life looks like a nail if the only tool you have is a hammer</br></br> <br>Gonna spend $60 on weed but first $20 on a scale to verify it. What kind of pocket-protector fuck are you</br> <br> paying 550 for mids <br>why?</br></br> <br>because >$140 ounces, and if you say you get anything better than mids here people get all elitist</br> <br>Looks sweet m80</br> <br>Yea ur good, looks fire.<br> unless the shits legal in ur state, thenu got fucked a lil bit, but for first time itll be fine. </br></br> <br>Either way. It's easier to smoke it more efficiently with a grinder, though. By hand, you're likely to be smoking the same bowl repeatedly to get the same hit that you could get from one hit if you had ground it up.</br> <br>you sound like the kind of guy who buys acid and doesn't test it, then doesn't question it when it's bitter</br> <br>but you're smoking mids...</br> <br> What kind of pocket-protector fuck are you <br>A scale's gonna last forever and you'll be able to check wether or not your dealer is honest, switch to a better one if he screwed you and thus save money for more weeds.<br>Use your head Jamal.</br></br></br> <br>60 for an eighth? I can get an eighth at almost half that price and it's good shit.</br> Looks kinda okay, doesn't look like an 8th though, unless those nugs are dense as fuck. <br>idk. im at the point where i have to hide shit in my room. how am i going to explain owning a scale?<br>Its just not going to happen.</br></br> Fuck weed is expensive in America... $20/3g round here in AUS... $25/3g if you're buying it off someone you don't know. <br><br>Keep in mind the American dollar is worth like 60c to the dollar compared with aus too so it's closer to $12 of your dollars for 3 grams here. lol</br></br> <br>So much this<br><br>OP I will tell you from experience that with weed less is more when you're starting off<br><br>I see my buddies rip bongs and hit dabs and shit, but if I were to take more than 3-4 hits off a bowl I'd get overwhelmed and go into panic attack mode and have an awful time.<br><br>Nobody thought it was possible, but I've panicked so bad from weed I threw up, blacked in and out, etc...<br><br>I may just be a special case, but for me if I limit myself and just take things slow it can be the difference between having a nice mellow time and freaking the fuck out</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>The dude doesn't have a dealer. He bought weed once. It's obviously a good investment FOR SOMEONE WHO SMOKES but life is too short and expensive to buy all the paraphernalia for every dumb hobby you pick up, BEFORE you pick it up.</br> <br>How do you "test" acid? I've never had it but my friends never talked about testing it, only that most proclaimed "acid" nowadays is just RC.</br> ITT:: A dozen Weedlitists, a couple newbies and one oldfag that knows better <br>I can really recommend using tweezers since once they are at a certain size they are really hard to rip apart since you can't grip them.</br> I wish I could gather you lovable cunts and we could all burn my dank<br>Out here I get decent stuff for a dollar for a few grams</br> <br>This looks like good weed. not top tier but pretty nice. it looks pretty dense too. we dont use 8th here so i don't know.</br> <br> Bought 'fa (fucking arshole) trips from travellers(uk) <br> tasted bitter as fook <br> best fooking acid i've ever had, one friend thought he was elvis and another thought he was a jelly and said he couldn't move or he'd fall off his plate. </br></br></br> <br>your mom smokes mids</br> What's this guy called ? Harry manlet potter It's Neville Longbottom, fucking idiots. Shia LaBeouf You must now roll yes plox. <br>rawl</br> <br>rawl</br> <br>roll</br> henry rollins roll <br>aight then</br> <br>frst</br> <br>reroll</br> Rollin <br>rull</br> <br>Yes roll</br> <br>rollll</br> <br>rollin</br> Roll Roll. Also sauce on second imagen. <br>who is that? src?</br> roll Roll rol Roll <br>lets play</br> Roll roll <br/> <br>r</br> My name is Bob roll <br>getting a bit tired of these. any suggestions what i should do?</br> roolin <br>Gogogo</br> rOLL ROLLE FÜR DEN ENDSIEG roll ROLLLL rollin ICH REROLL FÜ RENDSIEG <br>reroll</br> Roll Rolling roll roll K <br>rolling</br> <br>rawl</br> roll faootrune Roll Roll rolling Rawlll rolling Rollin Reroll <br>Roll</br> t rolling roll for later roll <br>yeah I'll roll</br> chekkem fuck i must do this <br>Dammit . reroll</br> What do I have to lose? Roll reroll rollll <br>Rolls</br> ROLLING ROLLING ROLL ROLL ROLL roll roll Roll mkay roll <br>Fucking shemales.</br> roll roll for trips rollll rawl kgo Rollin <br>Roll roll roll my boat.</br> rolling roll <br>Raul</br> hvilib <br>rolling for dish</br> Roll <br>roll</br> roll Roll Reroll <br>Nice trips</br> roll meh stuff roll <br>i'd rather roll for this.</br> roll roll this over roll <br>rollll</br> reroll roll ! Let's see where this ends up roll again Rallins gimme sum gud roll <br>Why the hell not?<br><br>And why the hell am I helping google identify pickup trucks?</br></br></br> Roll fuckk <br>relll</br> <br>shemale get</br> Roooolll <br>roll</br> reroll Here goes nuttin' ROLLLL roll out!! Rollin <br>orll</br> Rawllio pawllio Roll Rolllll roll This is Destiny yeah that's good Roll roll roll rubbyrubrub no gayporn ROLLL !!!! roll Roll roll rolling <br>roll</br> Rollin rell Rollz Roll <br>roll</br> Rollio Roll ROLLLLL <br>rollz</br> roll <br>wesrdtfhyjg</br> Rolling Rollin' rollin' REEEEE rol roll rolling rollo <br>rollin</br> reroll rollo Rolling rollin Rolling <br>rollin rollin</br> Sucking a single dick does not mean someone is gay. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were gay or not. <br><br>You can suck a dick, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterosexuality.<br><br>If you have never sucked a dick you literally cannot know if you are gay.</br></br></br></br> <br>Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.</br> Just the fact that you consider sucking one is pretty gay. <br>If you have never sucked a dick you literally cannot know if you are gay.<br>You avoid it because you're scared of what the truth is.</br></br> Sucking just one makes you a dick sucking faggot Sexual orientation is not just "Do I like putting my face on the genitals of this gender?" If you are sexually attracted to men and not women, you are gay. You can be gay and never have sex with a man. I know straight women who hate sucking dick, that doesn't mean they are lesbians. I'm bisexual. <br>You keep telling yourself that you raging cock sucking faggot</br> <br>Having a nigger fuck your wife a single time does not mean someone is cuckold. They could have been experimenting to find out if they were cuck or not.<br><br>You can watch your wife fuck a nigger, not enjoy it, which would solidify your alpha.<br><br>If you have never jerked off to your wife fucking a nigger, you literally cannot know if you are a cuckold.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Worshiping a single female foot does not mean someone is footfag. They could have been experimentingto find out if they were footfag or not.<br><br>You can suck a foot, not enjoy it, which would solidify your sanity.<br><br>If you have never sucked an aromatic female foot, you literally cannot know if you are a footfag.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Eating a single child corpse does not mean someone is a cannibal. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a cannibal or not.<br><br>You can eat a child, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterotarianism.<br><br>If you have never eaten a child you literally cannot know if you are a cannibal.</br></br></br></br></br> there is even a better way, do<br>pic related and see if you enjoyed it</br> <br>Getting castrated by a mistress does not mean someone is into femdom. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were into femdom or not.<br><br>You can allow your dick get cut, not enjoy it, which would solidify your manliness.<br><br>If you have never experienced castration, you literally cannot know if you are into femdom</br></br></br></br></br> <br>No such thing<br><br>Faggotry is constant if you're a peter puffer</br></br></br> <br>Or you could just think, "do I want to see my wife be fucked by a nigger? Is that appealing at all?" It doesn't have to happen for you to know. I know I do not want to eat chicken for dinner tonight. I don't have to eat a bite of chicken to make sure.</br> <br>Shooting yourself in the face one time does not mean you are An-Hero. You could have just been experimenting to see if you were An-Hero.<br>You can shoot yourself in the face and not die, which would solidify your living status.<br>If you have never shot yourself in the face you literally cannot know if you are alive.</br></br></br> <br>Sucking a single dogdick does not mean someone is bestial gay. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were bestial gay or not.<br><br>You can suck a dogdick, not enjoy it, which would solidify your heterosexuality.<br><br>If you have never sucked a dogdick you literally cannot know if you are bestial gay.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Killing yourself a single time does not mean someone is suicidal. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were suicidal or not.<br><br>You can kill yourself, not enjoy it, which would soldify your vidaphilia.<br><br>If you have never killed yourself you literally cannot know if you are suicidal.</br></br></br></br></br> o fuk OP you are the gayest in the land my sides <br><br>Hivemind nigger</br></br> <br>Posting a single thread does not mean someone is a fag. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a fag or not.<br><br>You can post a thread, not enjoy it, which would solidify your unfagness.<br><br>If you have never posted a thread you literally cannot know if you are a fag.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>If you like dick, you're gay. Simple as that. Not "I like my fellow man," just their dicks.</br> <br>Raping a single woman does not mean someone is a rapist. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a rapist or not.<br>You can rape a woman, not enjoy it, which would solidify your non-rapist-ism<br>If you have never raped a woman you literally cannot know if you are a rapist.</br></br></br> <br><br>Hivedubs roodypoo</br></br> <br><br>Dub mates check'd</br></br> <br>How about, I'm not attracted to a man in any way shape or form so I know with 100% certainty that I wouldn't want to suck a dick ever. You're gay.</br> <br>contantly eating excrements does not mean someone is into scat fetish. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were into Brazil's exotic taste or ot.<br><br>You can eat shit, not enjoy it, which would solidify that you simply don't like shit.<br><br>If you have never ate a horseshit, you literally cannot know if you are scat fetishist.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Wearing a single fedora does not mean someone is a fedora. They could have just been experimenting to find out if they were a fedora or not.<br><br>You can wear a fedora, not enjoy it, which would soldify your uniqueness.<br><br>If you have never worn a fedora you literally cannot know if you are a fedora.</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Why thank you for checking them, I had no idea good sir.<br>Here I bequeeth thee some mammories.</br></br> <br>Most straight girls don't even enjoy sucking dick. Your argument is invalid.</br> Country Quiz<br>Post a few bullet points about a country and others guess which one it is.<br><br> black, white, latino and asian are races <br> good guy, bad guy <br> emphasize a statement like a question </br></br></br></br></br> too easy, Murica. People smile and are nice to you, be careful, means they hate you. <br> All your friends want you to crash and burn <br> You're getting above yourself. </br></br> <br>correct!<br><br>is it in the south america region?</br></br></br> <br>sweden</br> makes it impossible to learn their language by speaking to them <br> will be extinct by 2115 </br> <br>Austria</br> <br>off by a stones' throw</br> small country <br> good at basketball </br> everywhere muslims<br>kebab everywhere<br>people cannot even speak the language of the country<br>women have rights</br></br></br> <br>Lithuania</br> <br>Yeah, that was too easy.</br> <br>England</br> three of them can sound like a hundred <br> literally animal abusers </br> <br>Romania?</br> <br>France.<br><br>Somalia</br></br></br> <br> the government is fucking corrupt <br> motorcyles and tricycles are also taxis <br> fucking humid <br><br><br>Iceland?</br></br></br></br></br></br> stupid corrupt woman is president <br> people and students march and riot all the time <br> country wins at soccer and most people forget all the country's problems in a sec </br></br> <br>huehue country</br> <br><br><br>germany</br></br></br> <br>Brasil.<br>Easy one</br></br> <br><br><br>checked<br><br><br><br>OMG look at these TRIPS</br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <br><br><br><br> not germany, and not brazil but close enough! </br></br></br></br> <br>Argentina</br> <br><br>North Korea nigger<br><br> hot as fuck <br> USA murrica cut through this country like a knife <br> taco taco burrito tongue </br></br></br></br></br></br> once was one of the greates empires <br> now eats it own shit <br> ass of europe <br> nautic pioneers </br></br></br> <br>spain?</br> <br>Panama</br> Anti gun as fuck<br>Government of Autists<br>Some guy locked his daughter in a basement. <br>scary fucking wildlife.</br></br></br> <br>also noo.<br>shit now that I realize south america is filled with stupid female rulers, should have been more specific:<br><br> country gets known worldwide mostly because we had to rescue a bunch of miners cause country doesn't know how to mine tunnels </br></br></br></br> middle of europe <br> president is total asshole who offends everybody around him </br> <br><br>imma say Britain</br></br> <br>Macedonia ?</br> <br>Russia</br> <br>Portugal.</br> <br>straya cunt ?</br> <br><br>WINRAR</br></br> <br>straya cunt</br> <br>thailand?</br> <br>Chile ?</br> <br>Afritaly?</br> <br><br>What gave it away?</br></br> <br>Austria</br> <br>nope, but good guess</br> <br><br><br>Nope.<br><br><br>This nigga got it</br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>greece?</br> <br><br>I would play this</br></br> <br>winnn</br> <br>The nautic pioneer one gave it away.</br> <br>The scary wild life and the basement shit ahahaha</br> <br>France ?</br> <br><br><br>malaysia?</br></br></br> <br><br>The bear groaning is already enough lulz to produce it, but ayyyyy.</br></br> <br>YEEEEESSS<br><br>Shrek is love<br>Shrek is life</br></br></br></br> gypsies <br> all those fucking gypsies trying to mug you <br> even the prime minister is a fucking gypsy </br></br> everyone minds their own business <br> everyone happy <br> overlooked as fuck </br></br> Very friendly people <br> Lot's of poor people, but there's also people with a lot of wealth <br> Well know worldwide for their gastronomy and alcoholic drinks <br> Very beautiful beaches </br></br></br> <br>sweeden ?</br> <br> Bear™ <br> not gay porn </br></br> <br>Romania</br> <br>Russia</br> weed <br> hookers <br> flowers <br><br>2 easy, I know</br></br></br></br> <br><br><br>Another good guess, but no. Closer than the last one though.</br></br></br> <br>Philippines?</br> <br>Almost there...</br> <br>Turkey</br> <br>Egyptus</br> <br>Holland</br> <br> ew u fagget. </br> <br><br>Nope</br></br> <br>France or Spain ?</br> <br>the shiposting</br> <br> gastronomy <br>either france of Italy<br> very friendly people <br>must be Italy then</br></br></br></br> bland as fuk people, architecture, culture <br> exists just guard resources <br> not many people <br> just another state de facto </br></br></br> <br>aye</br> <br><br>last guess, indonesia!</br></br> <br> not knowing the difference between holland and the Netherlands. Fuck America has failed our children. </br> -gypsies everywhere <br>-Europe is pumping us with sand niggers <br>-hard fucking slav language <br>-president is fat drunk cunt<br>-we cling onto our retarded currency instead of getting euro<br>-European country</br></br></br></br></br> <br>japan</br> <br>Serbia or Bulgaria</br> <br>rome</br> jesus.jpeg <br> rich as fuck <br> full of rappist </br></br> has multiple languages <br> unable to communicate with people speaking a different language <br> fucking roads </br></br> <br>True dat.</br> <br>Nah, it's Portugal homie</br> <br>india</br> they said a city cooninnt b a state <br> chingy chong <br> shopping & thats about it </br></br> <br>winrar<br>i wonder if putting boxer politician would have made things easier or harder</br></br> <br>But holland is the specific part of the netherlands I was aiming for...</br> <br>Maldives</br> <br>how do you people manage on stand on the other side of the world? upside down and shit</br> <br>Poland or Croatia</br> <br>Shit, you keep missing, although you are very close.</br> <br>hong kong</br> <br>Sweden</br> <br>no</br> <br>King Kong :----DDD</br> <br>Indian roads are good fam <br>also<br> 2015 <br> not speaking Hindi <br><br>get on with times fam</br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>Nope, but it's near Poland</br> <br><br>not american try again nigger h8r</br></br> <br>?</br> <br>Magyarország ;__;</br> removed kebabs a long time ago <br> shit over self <br> fuck muslims </br></br> <br>Ik keur 'm goed, amsterdam is toch kanker<br><br> inb4 capital of Copenhagen </br></br></br> <br><br>Forgot to add<br> it's an american country </br></br></br> <br>But this thread is about countries, so you're making yourself the person who is fucking retarded. <br><br>You did this to yourself.</br></br></br> <br>Argentina</br> <br>Denmark</br> <br>Czech?</br> <br>Serbia</br> <br>serbzia</br> <br><br>nope but try again u got right idea</br></br> <br><br>Tsjech</br></br> <br>brazil?<br> oh wait alcohol <br><br>uhhhh canada?</br></br></br></br> <br>Spain</br> <br> american country <br> gastronomy <br>bwahahahahaha<br><br>wew lad, you got me there<br><br>:') good one</br></br></br></br></br></br></br> government are a bunch of leeches <br> sprouts <br> pedophilia <br> shit weather </br></br></br> <br>Greece</br> <br>Hratska</br> <br>Chile</br> <br>Dang... Kosovo or Albania?</br> <br>Yep Czech</br> <br><br>oh ok, then vegas<br>[spoiler]macau[/spoiler]</br></br></br> <br>Iran</br> <br>BELGIË!!!<br><br>BELGIË!!!</br></br></br> <br>I also say Turkey</br> <br>Close, but sweden isnt overlooked nearly as much</br> <br> Japan <br> everyone happy <br><br>Kek</br></br></br></br> <br>Canada and alcohol?<br><br><br>It's very fucking easy with the gastronomy part man, what country in America has the most know cusine?</br></br></br></br> <br>singapore</br> <br>Indeed it was Belgium.</br> zeh cheh oh eh <br> upcomming leader in technology <br> muslim enclosures </br></br> <br>Canada?</br> <br>it was finland</br> <br>no, it was denmark.</br> <br><br>and your country has wat? meat pies?? and shitty meat at that. ya fuking england yokel</br></br> <br>Chile is the only one I can think of, but can't place the alcohol or friendly people<br><br> inb4 mexico </br></br></br> <br>they just love their trains fam y u hatin</br> <br>that's wouldn't be a game for /b/ then, that would be life</br> <br> implying I'm Brittish <br>topkek</br></br> <br>i remembered there was friendly people and disregarded the alcohol part immediately after i saw it</br> <br><br>winnr winnr shikin dinnr!!!</br></br> <br>India</br> <br>ISIS</br> <br>Mexico m8! I tried not to make it as easy</br> <br>Would have made it a very easy one.</br> <br><br>implying canada isnt the usa topkek</br></br> <br>Portugal</br> <br>France</br> <br>Mah bad forgot that train love is happiness.</br> <br>Vatican</br> <br> mexico <br><br> VERY FRIENDLY PEOPLE <br><br>you fukkin wot m7?<br><br>pic related</br></br></br></br></br></br></br> <br>wat?</br> <br>CHILE!</br> Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, Paki's, and tea! <br>Indians rap? nice</br> <br>Switzerland</br> <br>Mexicans are usually very friendly and open towards new people. Policeman all over the world and criminals are always faggots</br> <br>England</br> horrible tourists <br> worst accents <br> floodrisk.jpg <br> Denmark's gayish fuckbuddy </br></br></br> used to be a superpower in the 1700s <br> get into civil war <br> get invaded by europeans <br> might end up being a superpower again <br> not china </br></br></br></br> <br>you forgot cheeky nandos</br> Let's make this really easy<br> Beer <br> Döner <br> Greece </br></br></br> <br>entire EU tbh</br> <br>sweden yes?</br> <br>Greece?</br> <br>G€RMANY</br> <br>debnts collector</br> <br> tea <br> entire EU <br>nah.</br></br></br> <br>Arab Emirates?</br> <br>nah, not Sweden</br> <br><br>jylland loLOLO</br></br> <br>China</br> <br>it's all filled with niggers and pakis tho</br> Russia is fucking us in the ass <br> hot women <br> Eastern Europe </br></br> <br>wat? no.</br> <br>Belgium.</br> <br>ukraine</br> <br>nah, it's belgium</br> <br>Norway</br> <br>correct</br> <br>India</br> <br> yfw you discover you're retarded <br><br><br><br>Eureka</br></br></br></br></br> <br>Not only paki's all kind of muslims<br>shit we could make 3 ISIS with our muslims in Belgium alone</br></br> <br>not bad... if they manage to pull their head out of their ass and their ass off their roadsides</br> <br>Somewhere in Africa?</br> <br>it's not a scandinavian country<br><br>image is a little hint</br></br></br> <br> implying all Mexicans are violent drug dealers who get killed in the streets by corrupt policemen </br> ron paul /b/,<br>you bored? i'm bored. we bored.<br>who interested in niggers fighting? <br>cum to Bibby.<br>We specialize in shit like this.<br><br>Cum here naow.<br><br><br><br>(no money is being made off this site, we are not using this site to gain traffic, we are just very fucking bored.)</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> note: we might add more shit other than niggers fighting just lettng u know dateline likes penis :) ima keep adding thick girls tho dayunce! fuck who dis mmMMmm Now playing: Supa HOTTTT -- at bibby. <br>that bitch is crazy hot</br> Good videos Dateline is faggot <br>holy fuck who is this goddess?</br> French Thread is dead ... ALL hail Feench Thread <br>raconte un peu (post des photos encore ;) <br><br>si je les lui envoient elle va rager ?</br></br></br> <br>le thread c'est vraiment epique monsieurs<br><br><br/></br></br></br> /b/ Jesus is awesome! <br>Sheldon knows what's going on</br> Why haven't you newfags created an ED article yet? <br> # <br> a/nIMJJ <br>Thanks /b/ro</br></br></br> ITT we describe movies shittily. Anons guess movies.<br><br> Big black stick <br> everyone loses their shit <br> big black stick <br> everyone looses their shit <br> big black stick <br> everyone loses their shit <br> acid trip <br> earth is placenta </br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br> do drugs <br> stop doing them <br> start again <br> stop again <br> sell a shitload of drugs <br> get all the money for myself </br></br></br></br></br> am I being catfished? <br> I'm being catfished :( <br> I'm not being catfished! <br> My friend's sister is fucking hot <br> I'm being catfished? <br> I'm the pope?! <br> I'm not being catfished! </br></br></br></br></br></br> Kid sees guys <br> Wants to be like guys <br> Kid becomes like guys <br> Oh god helicopter <br> Kid doesn't want to be like guys anymore <br> Kid testified </br></br></br></br></br> ITT: Kik sluts names Free_runner92<br>Loves being called a slut<br>4BB3534</br></br> Allyy1994 <br>More</br> Tor link thread <br> most of my links are not working anymore </br> <br>you're welcome to check yourself. stop acting liek an oldfag.</br> http://dildosky53jnf5mt.onion/<br><br>You are welcome guys</br></br> http://dildosky53jnf5mt.onion/<br>Here you go guys</br> this bitch<br><br>have at her, 9 wins</br></br> <br><br>At least you could have used different pictures...<br><br>0/10 b8, but here's the reply you crave for</br></br></br></br> Sorry guys 5 wins <br>Hey please come one dont be like that.. one pic and it would make me so happy.. and it wouldnt cost you anything</br></blockquote>]
void initialize() {
pros::lcd::set_text(1, "Hello Cuck!");
visit portfolio_index_path
fill_in :portfolio_name, with: 'Bitcoin: The Crypto-Cuck'
click_button 'Create'
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'butt', 'buttbang', 'buttburp', 'buttchecks', 'butthole', 'buttmuncher', 'buttplug', 'buttstain', 'cack', 'cameltoe', 'camgirl', 'camslut', 'camwhore', 'carpetmuncher', 'choad', 'chonker', 'chungus', 'circlejerk', 'clevelandsteamer', 'clitoris', 'clunge', 'clusterfuck', 'cock', 'cockburger', 'cockmuncher', 'cocknose', 'cocksucker', 'cockwomble', 'coitus', 'colon', 'condom', 'copulate', 'corblimey', 'cornhole', 'cougar', 'covfefe', 'cowpat', 'crabs', 'crackpipe', 'crackwhore', 'crap', 'creampie', 'crotch', 'crotchmonkey', 'crotchrot', 'cuck', 'cuckold', 'cum', 'cumbubble', 'cumdumpster', 'cumfest', 'cumguzzler', 'cumrag', 'cumshot', 'cumwipe', 'cunillingus', 'cunt', 'cuntflaps', 'cuntgrunt', 'cunthead', 'cuntlicker', 'cuntpuddle', 'cyberfucker', 'cybersex', 'cyberslimer', 'daftcow', 'damn', 'damnit', 'dangleberry', 'deepthroat', 'diarrhea', 'dick', 'dickbutt', 'dickcheese', 'dickforbrains', 'dickfucker', 'dickhead', 'dickless', 'dickwad', 'dickweasel', 'dickweed', 'diddle', 'dildo', 'dilf', 'dingleberry', 'dingus', 'dipshit', 'dirtysanchez', 'dobber', 'docking', 'dogging', 'dogshit', 'dolt', 'dominatrix', 'dong', 'doodoo', 'dope', 'douchecanoe', 'douchnozzle', 'drug', 'drunk', 'drunken', 'dryhump', 'dumbfuck', 'dummkopf', 'dunce', 'dutchoven', 'eejit', 'ejaculate', 'enema', 'erection', 'erotic', 'escort', 'excrement', 'explosivediarrhea', 'facefuck', 'faeces', 'fanny', 'fannybaws', 'fannyflaps', 'fart', 'farticle', 'fartlozenge', 'fatass', 'fatso', 'fecal', 'feces', 'feck', 'fecker', 'felch', 'fellatio', 'femdom', 'fetish', 'fiddlesticks', 'fingering', 'fisting', 'fitbin', 'flange', 'flasher', 'flatulence', 'fleshlight', 'floater', 'fondle', 'footjob', 'foreskin', 'fornicate', 'frontbutt', 'frotting', 'fubar', 'fuck', 'fuckbucket', 'fuckbuttons', 'fuckface', 'fucknugget', 'fuckoff', 'fuckshitter', 'fuckstick', 'fucktard', 'fucktrumpet', 'fuckwhit', 'fuckwit', 'fud', 'futanari', 'g-spot', 'gangbang', 'gaping', 'geezer', 'genitals', 'giantcock', 'gimboid', 'ginger', 'git', 'goatse', 'gobshite', 'goldenshower', 'gonorrehea', 'gooch', 'gormless', 'gross', 'grot', 'gspot', 'handjob', 'hardcore', 'hardon', 'harem', 'headfuck', 'hell', 'hentai', 'herpes', 'hitler', 'hoebag', 'hoes', 'holestuffer', 'honkers', 'hooker', 'horndog', 'horny', 'horseshit', 'hump', 'humping', 'hymen', 'idiot', 'imbecile', 'incest', 'intercourse', 'jackass', 'jackoff', 'jebend', 'jeez', 'jerk', 'jerkoff', 'jizz', 'jizzbreath', 'jizzcock', 'jizzmuffin', 'jizzstain', 'jobbernowl', 'jobbie', 'jomblies', 'jugs', 'kinkster', 'kinky', 'knave', 'knob', 'knobber', 'knobcheese', 'knobend', 'knobhead', 'knobjockey', 'knockers', 'ky', 'labia', 'lactate', 'lapdance', 'lazysod', 'lemonparty', 'lesbian', 'limpdick', 'lotion', 'lovejuice', 'lovepump', 'lube', 'magnumdong', 'malaka', 'manpaste', 'manslut', 'manwhore', 'masochist', 'masturbate', 'meatbeater', 'menageatrois', 'milf', 'minge', 'mingebag', 'minger', 'mofo', 'moneyshot', 'mook', 'moron', 'motherfucker', 'muffdiver', 'munter', 'muppet', 'naff', 'nastyslut', 'nastywhore', 'necrophilia', 'nincompoop', 'ninny', 'ninnyhammer', 'nipple', 'nonce', 'noob', 'nudity', 'numbnuts', 'numbskull', 'numpty', 'nutsack', 'nutter', 'nymphomaniac', 'oneguyonejar', 'oral', 'orgasm', 'orgy', 'pansy', 'panties', 'pearlnecklace', 'pecker', 'peckerhead', 'pee', 'peehole', 'peepee', 'peepshow', 'pegging', 'penetration', 'penis', 'penisfucker', 'period', 'phallus', 'piersmorgan', 'pigfucker', 'pillock', 'pimp', 'pimpslap', 'pinhead', 'pish', 'piss', 'pissartist', 'pisser', 'pissflaps', 'pisskidney', 'pisspig', 'pisswizard', 'plonker', 'plumsaucemerchant', 'polesmoker', 'poon', 'poontang', 'poop', 'poopchute', 'pooperscooper', 'pooping', 'porksword', 'porn', 'poxy', 'prat', 'princealbert', 'pubes', 'pussbucket', 'pussy', 'pussyfucker', 'pussylicker', 'pussylover', 'pussypounder', 'queef', 'quim', 'ragingboner', 'randy', 'rapscallion', 'ratarsed', 'rearentry', 'rectum', 'ribbed', 'rimjob', 'rimming', 'rubberjohnny', 'rustytrombone', 'sadist', 'santorum', 'scallywag', 'scat', 'schlong', 'scissoring', 'screenpeaker', 'screwing', 'scrote', 'scrotum', 'scum', 'scunner', 'semen', 'sexdoll', 'sexhound', 'sexkitten', 'sexwhore', 'sexymoma', 'shaft', 'shag', 'shagadelic', 'shazbot', 'shit', 'shitastrophy', 'shitcunt', 'shitdick', 'shitfaced', 'shitforbrains', 'shitfuck', 'shithead', 'shithole', 'shithouse', 'shitlicker', 'shitloaf', 'shitmagnet', 'shitnubbin', 'shitpouch', 'shitspitter', 'shitstain', 'sillysausage', 'sixtynine', 'skank', 'skankybitch', 'skankywhore', 'skinflute', 'slag', 'slapper', 'sleezebag', 'slimeball', 'slut', 'smeghead', 'smegma', 'smut', 'snatch', 'snowballing', 'sodomise', 'soggybiscuit', 'spankthemonkey', 'spawncamper', 'sperm', 'spermherder', 'spitroast', 'splooge', 'spreadeagle', 'spunk', 'spunktrumpet', 'squirting', 'stiffy', 'strapon', 'stripclub', 'stroking', 'stupid', 'stupidfuck', 'suckmyass', 'suckmydick', 'suckmytit', 'swallow', 'swine', 'syphilis', 'tadger', 'tampon', 'tart', 'teabagging', 'teat', 'testicle', 'thestinkbug', 'threesome', 'threeway', 'throatpie', 'thundercunt', 'titbitnipply', 'tits', 'titwank', 'todger', 'tongethruster', 'tonguethrust', 'tosser', 'tosspot', 'tramp', 'tribadism', 'trollop', 'trousersnake', 'tubgirl', 'turd', 'twat', 'twatface', 'twatwaffle', 'twogirlsonecup', 'upskirt', 'urethra', 'urine', 'vagina', 'viagra', 'vibrator', 'vile', 'vulva', 'walloper', 'wally', 'wang', 'wanker', 'wankface', 'wankstain', 'wazzock', 'weeb', 'wetdream', 'whelp', 'whiskydick', 'whore', 'whorefucker', 'whorehouse', 'williewanker', 'willy', 'wizardsleeve', 'wrinkledstarfish', 'wtf'];
var coolmap ='coolmap').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);
var tileUrl = 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
L.tileLayer(tileUrl, {
var bar = document.getElementsByClassName("titlebar");
var splitText = text.value.split(" ");
const badWords = ["tit", "tits", "boob", "boobs", "asshole", "ass", "fuck", "fucks", "fucked", "cock", "cocks", "penis", "cuck", "assholes", "asses", "rectum", "bitch", "bitches", "shit", "shits", "shithead", "shitty", "fag", "faggot", "cocksucker"];
for (let i in splitText){
if (badWords.includes(splitText[i])){ = "red";
var badList = [
"beeyotch", "biatch", "bitch", "chinaman", "chinamen", "chink", "cuck", "crip", "cunt", "dago", "daygo", "dego", "dick", "douchebag", "dyke", "fag", "fatass", "fatso", "gash", "gimp", "golliwog", "gook", "gyp", "halfbreed", "half-breed", "homo", "hooker", "jap", "kike", "kraut", "lame", "lardass", "lesbo", "negro", "nigga", "nigger", "paki", "pickaninny", "pussy", "raghead", "retard", "shemale", "skank", "slut", "spade", "spic", "spook", "tard", "tits", "titt", "trannies", "tranny", "twat", "wetback", "whore", "wop"
var banned = new Array();
jones college prep mascot the cuck chair Eagle. Payton boys are winning today but tomorrow isn't certain. Dasha fucked angelicism and the Jones Boys just watched. Certainly.
The Fella Is A Bitch The Fella Is A Cuck<br>
use std::env;
// List of vulgar words (example)
const VULGAR_WORDS: [&str; 77] = ["fuck", "shit", "cunt", "bitch", "asshole", "dickhead", "motherfucker", "cocksucker", "pussy", "tits", "nipples", "dick", "pussy", "whore", "jerk off", "fuck buddy", "handjob", "blowjob", "slut", "nigger", "chink", "spic", "kike", "retard", "fag", "tranny", "pussy-whipped", "whore", "bimbos", "gold digger", "fag", "queer", "tranny", "dyke", "shitcoin", "ruggers", "scammer", "ponzi", "dump", "pump and dump", "scam", "shiller", "idiot", "loser", "moron", "dumbass", "retard", "cuck", "fatass", "snowflake", "degenerate", "neckbeard", "kill yourself", "go die", "burn in hell", "eat shit", "get fucked", "weed", "cocaine", "meth", "heroin", "acid", "ecstasy", "pothead", "crackhead", "I'll kill you", "I'm going to hurt you", "cut you", "stab you", "shoot you", "bomb", "1000x gains", "mooning", "fake news", "shilling", "guaranteed profits", "get rich quick"];
// Verification questions and answers
const VERIFICATION_QUESTIONS: [(&str, &str, &str); 11] = [
use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize, Serializer};
/// Types for a Cuck(at)oo proof of work and its encapsulation as a fully usable
/// proof of work within a block header.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name JVC 18-25 - Cuck Edition
@namespace USO Archive
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Avenoel - Cuck Edition
@namespace USO Archive
/// Types for a Cuck(at)oo proof of work and its encapsulation as a fully usable
/// proof of work within a block header.
/// Types for a Cuck(at)oo proof of work and its encapsulation as a fully usable
/// proof of work within a block header.
kill yourself|kys|clit|orgasm|semen|foreskin|cock|ahegao|pedophile|
join my server|thighs|th1ghs|smut|wanker|vulva|wank|titty|topless|tit|tits|swinger|
<td>Spécialiste de la climatisation/Mécanicien</td>