Repositories (1)

2 snippets stored for this repo
Dart IconDart
'You span the bottle on your crush.',
    'You just set a new limbo record; what was the song that made you able to do it?',
    'What do you play while cleaning someone else’s puke at a party?',
    'You are running around naked with a dildo on your forehead.',
    'You are at a party and your partner asks for a slow dance.',
    'It is your turn for a sing-along karaoke.',
    'You are about to start a game of musical chairs of high stakes.',
Dart IconDart
'What song would you play for Jesus if you could go back in time?',
    'You are reincarnated, what is your theme song?',
    'You are sent into heaven; what are the angels playing?',
    'You are in hell with Satan, Hitler and your mom; what is she playing?',
    'You are tortured in hell; what is Satan playing?',
    'You are God, you are on the seventh day of creating Earth, what do you play to end it?',
    'You are going to see buddha; what do you let him hear?',