Repositories (1)

4 snippets stored for this repo
* Will change position of the character depending on 
 * which WASD key is pressed. An increased value of FATASS
 * causes slower movement. If gravity is off upward movement
&& data->map[y + 1][x] != '1')
		data->img[CHAR_R]->instances[0].y += BLOK / FATASS;
	else if (mlx_is_key_down(data->mlx, MLX_KEY_A) \
# define ACCEL 1 		// starting value of the acceleration of a jump
# define ACCEL_MOD 1.3 	// the value accel is multiplied with every frame
# define JUMP_CAP 100	// the value accel needs to get to stop a jump
# define FATASS 10 		// how slow the player moves
# define FATBOO 15		// how slow ghosts move
# define SPEED 18 		// how many frames it takes to change ghost movement
# define IMMORTAL 0 	// toggle immortality
# define ACCEL 1 		// starting value of the acceleration of a jump
# define ACCEL_MOD 1.3 	// the value accel is multiplied with every frame
# define JUMP_CAP 100	// the value accel needs to get to stop a jump
# define FATASS 10 		// how slow the player moves
# define SPEED 18 		// how many frames it takes to change ghost movement
# define GRAV 1 		// toggle gravity
# define BUFFERSIZE 30	// How many characters are read in one loop,