Repositories (1)
2 snippets stored for this repo
'Are you Married/In a relationship??' : ['Yes, to someone of the same gender', 'Yes, to someone of another gender', 'NO, but I\'m gay', 'I killed my wife'],
'Out of these dishes, which is the most appealing to you?????????????' : ['Big GAY stromboli', 'SUPER FENTANYL', 'Banana :3', 'My wife\'s desecrated corpse'],
'On a scale of 1-10 how large is your house???' : ['mid-sized', 'WAY TOO BIG', 'solid 6', 'I sold my wifes organs'],
'Where were you on the night of nov 9th, 1999?' : ['uhh.. being born?', 'killing my wife ;)', 'KILLING WIFE 👿', 'eating GAY stromboli'],
'Umm, Im hungry... I\'ll wrtie another question later' : ['I killed my wife', 'SUPERSUPERSUPER FENTANYL', 'lord save me', 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'],
'Are you gay?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??' : ["I did it again...", 'I\'m LOVE to SUPERFENTANYL', 'I KILLED HER', 'I\m soooooo drunk'],