Repositories (1)
2 snippets stored for this repo
"Yo friend is so stupid that I told him Christmas was just around the corner and he went looking for it.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he wiped him ass before he took a shit.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he tries to insult you with yo friend jokes.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he can't make Jello because he can't fit 2 quarts of water in the box.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he thinks a stereotype is the brand on him clock-radio.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he thought a lawsuit was something you wear to court.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he thinks sexual battery is something in a dildo.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that the first time he used a vibrator, he cracked him two front teeth.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that he sent me a fax with a stamp on it.",
"Yo friend is so stupid that I saw him walking down the street yelling into an envelope, asked what he was doing, and he said sending a voice mail.",