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private Message parse(String msg, InetAddress remoteAddress) {
* ZOMG funny 80s neckbeard protocols. We are now deciding if to parse
* structured (RFC5424) or unstructured (classic BSD, RFC3164) syslog
* by checking if there is a VERSION after the PRI. Sorry.
private Message parse(String msg, InetAddress remoteAddress, DateTime receivedTimestamp) {
* ZOMG funny 80s neckbeard protocols. We are now deciding if to parse
* structured (RFC5424) or unstructured (classic BSD, RFC3164) syslog
* by checking if there is a VERSION after the PRI. Sorry.
* ZOMG funny 80s neckbeard protocols. We are now deciding if to parse
* structured (RFC5424) or unstructured (classic BSD, RFC3164) syslog
* by checking if there is a VERSION after the PRI. Sorry.