Repositories (1)
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young woman's customer tonight is a cost-accountant who likes to have light
bulbs <em>screwed into his asshole</em>, and this John has also brought a little
<em>hashish to smoke</em>, so by the time he leaves he's forgotten about Byron
still there in his asshole—doesn't ever, in fact, find out, because when
he finally gets around to sitting down (having stood up in trolleys all the
way home) it's on his own home toilet and plop! there goes Byron in the water
and flusssshhhh! away down the waste lines to the Elbe estuary. He is just round
in the place, Benito the Bulb over in the next sconce who's always planning
an escape, Bernie down the hall in the toilet, who has all kinds of urolagnia
jokes to tell, his mother Brenda in the kitchen who talks of hashish hush puppies,
dildos rigged to pump floods of paregoric orgasm to the cap-illaries of the
womb, prayers to Astarte and Lilith, queen of the night, reaches into the true
Night of the Other, cold and naked on linoleum floors after days without sleep,
the dreams and tears become a natural state. . . .</p>