Repositories (1)

27 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
class NeckbeardLoader(object):
    The loader takes a directory of Neckbeard configuration files and spits out
    a Neckbeard instance with the gathered configuration.

    Along the way, it also does bare minimum validation, ensuring that:
Python IconPython
__contact__ = '[email protected]'
__homepage__ = ''
__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
Python IconPython
__all__ = [
    'neckbeard', '__version__',
Python IconPython
from collections import Mapping
from copy import deepcopy

from neckbeard.loader import NeckbeardLoader
from neckbeard.scaling import MinScalingBackend  # TODO: Don't hardcode this

logger = logging.getLogger('configuration')
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import env, task, require

from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment

logger = logging.getLogger('')
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import env

from neckbeard.actions.utils import _get_gen_target, ACTIVE
from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment

logger = logging.getLogger('actions.view')
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import env, task, require

from neckbeard.actions.contrib_hooks import notifies_hipchat
from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment

    '%(deployer)s <strong>Repairing</strong> '
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.actions.announce import announce
from neckbeard.actions.increment import increment
from neckbeard.actions.override import override
from import repair
from import run
from neckbeard.actions.terminate import terminate
from neckbeard.actions.up import up
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import task, require

from neckbeard.actions.contrib_hooks import (
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.actions.contrib_hooks import (
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.actions.utils import _get_gen_target
from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import env, task, require, prompt

from neckbeard.actions.utils import _get_gen_target
from neckbeard.environment_manager import Deployment

logger = logging.getLogger('actions.override')
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.brain_wrinkles.base import BaseProvisioner

__all__ = [BaseProvisioner]
Python IconPython
# evil, this import should be from the proper place
from neckbeard.environment_manager import InfrastructureNode
Python IconPython
    Use the `neckbeard` configuration from the given manager to instantiate the
    proper `ResourceTracker` class.
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.cloud_provisioners.base import BaseNodeDeployment

__all__ = [BaseNodeDeployment]
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.actions.utils import (
Python IconPython
from simpledb import models

from neckbeard.output import fab_out_opts

NODE_AWS_TYPES = ['ec2', 'rds', 'elb']
EC2_RETIRED_STATES = ['shutting-down', 'terminated']
Python IconPython
from fabric.api import env
from littlechef import runner as lc

from neckbeard.brain_wrinkles import BaseProvisioner

logger = logging.getLogger('cm:littlechef')
Python IconPython
from boto import ec2, rds

from neckbeard.cloud_resource import InfrastructureNode

logger = logging.getLogger('environment_manager')
Python IconPython
from import Ec2NodeDeployment
from import RdsNodeDeployment

__all__ = [
Python IconPython
import logging
import os.path

from neckbeard.actions import up, view
from neckbeard.configuration import ConfigurationManager
from neckbeard.loader import NeckbeardLoader
from neckbeard.output import configure_logging
Python IconPython
# Neckbeard documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Nov 30 19:45:59 2012.
Python IconPython
# General information about the project.
project = u'Neckbeard'
copyright = u'2012, Wes Winham'
Python IconPython
from neckbeard.actions.utils import get_deployer, _get_gen_target
Python IconPython
hipchat_conf['color'] = env.get('hipchat_color', 'green')
    hipchat_conf['from'] = env.get('hipchat_from', 'Neckbeard')