Repositories (2)

1 snippets stored for this repo
JavaScript IconJavaScript
"應付": "cope",
 "坐標": "coordinates",
 "可樂": "cola",
 "口交": "cocksucker",
 "顛簸": "bumps",
 "藍莓": "blueberry",
 "燈火管制": "blackout",
2 snippets stored for this repo
JavaScript IconJavaScript
kakpa:"$x_{1}$ (agent) digs $x_{2}$ [material] up/out of $x_{3}$ [source/hole] with limbs/tool(s) $x_{4}$.",
kalci:"$x_{1}$ is a/the feces/excrement/dung/shit of $x_{2}$ (animal/person); (adjective:) $x_{1}$ is fecal (matter).",
kalri:"$x_{1}$ (portal/passage/entrance-way) is open/ajar/not shut permitting passage/access to $x_{2}$ by $x_{3}$.",
JavaScript IconJavaScript
ganra:"$x_{1}$ is broad/wide in dimension $x_{2}$ [2nd most significant dimension] by standard $x_{3}$.",
ganse:"$x_{1}$ [observer] senses/detects/notices stimulus $x_{2}$ (object/nu) by means $x_{3}$ under conditions $x_{4}$.",
ganti:"$x_{1}$ is a/the testes/ovary/testicle/scrotum/balls/gonad/stamen/pistil [body-part] of $x_{2}$, gender $x_{3}$.",
ganxo:"$x_{1}$ is a/the anus/anal orifice/asshole/arsehole [body-part] of $x_{2}$; [metaphor: exit, waste exit].",
ganzu:"$x_{1}$ organizes $x_{2}$ [relative chaos] into $x_{3}$ [ordered/organized result] by system/principle(s) $x_{4}$.",
gapci:"$x_{1}$ is gaseous/fumes/a gas/vapor of material/composition including $x_{2}$, under conditions $x_{3}$.",
gapru:"$x_{1}$ is directly/vertically above/upwards-from $x_{2}$ in gravity/frame of reference $x_{3}$.",