Repositories (8)
6 snippets stored for this repo
<button id="remote-connector-example-button">Run Websocket Connection Example</button>
    <button id="device-enumeration-example-button">Run Device Enumeration (Embedded) Example</button>
    <button id="device-control-example-button">Run Device Control (Embedded) Example</button>
    <script lang="javascript" src="[email protected]/dist/web/buttplug.min.js"></script>
    <script lang="javascript" src="async-example.js"></script>
    <script lang="javascript" src="errors-example.js"></script>
    <script lang="javascript" src="device-control-example.js"></script>
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
  // To create a Websocket Connector, you need the websocket address and some generics fuckery.
  let connector = new_json_ws_client_connector("ws://");

  let client = ButtplugClient::new("Example Client");
// Usual embedded connector setup. We'll assume the server found all
  // of the subtype managers for us (the default features include all of them).
  //let client = in_process_client("Example Client", false).await;
  // To create a Websocket Connector, you need the websocket address and some generics fuckery.
  let connector = new_json_ws_client_connector("ws://");
  let client = ButtplugClient::new("Example Client");
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Buttplug.Client;
using Buttplug.Core;

namespace AsyncExample
using Buttplug.Client;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
            // Now that we've seen all of the different parts of Buttplug, let's
            // put them together in a small program.
13 snippets stored for this repo
package io.buttplug;

import com.sun.jna.*;
package io.buttplug;

import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import io.buttplug.exceptions.ButtplugException;
import io.buttplug.exceptions.ButtplugMessageException;
import io.buttplug.protos.ButtplugRsFfi.*;
package io.buttplug;


public class WebsocketConnectorOptions {
    public URI networkAddress;
package io.buttplug.exceptions;

import io.buttplug.protos.ButtplugRsFfi.ServerMessage;

public class ButtplugException extends Exception {
    public ButtplugException(String msg) {
package io.buttplug.exceptions;

public class ButtplugPingException extends ButtplugException {
    public ButtplugPingException(String msg) {
package io.buttplug.exceptions;

public class ButtplugDeviceException extends ButtplugException {
    public ButtplugDeviceException(String msg) {
package io.buttplug.exceptions;

public class ButtplugMessageException extends ButtplugException {
    public ButtplugMessageException(String msg) {
package io.buttplug.exceptions;

public class ButtplugUnknownException extends ButtplugException {
    public ButtplugUnknownException(String msg) {
use super::{FFICallbackContext, FFICallbackContextWrapper};
use buttplug::{util::async_manager, util::logging::ChannelWriter};
#[cfg(not(feature = "wasm"))]
Kotlin IconKotlin
 * Detailed information about configuring a multi-project build in Gradle can be found
 * in the user manual at
 */ = "buttplug"
Kotlin IconKotlin
group = "io.buttplug"
version = "0.0.1"
Kotlin IconKotlin
    // grab and cache things from buttplug github releases
    val github = ivy {
7 snippets stored for this repo
// <copyright file="AssemblyInfo.cs" company="Nonpolynomial Labs LLC">
// Buttplug C# Source Code File - Visit for more info about the project.
// Copyright (c) Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// </copyright>

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
// <copyright file="ButtplugDeviceMessage.cs" company="Nonpolynomial Labs LLC">
// Buttplug C# Source Code File - Visit for more info about the project.
// Copyright (c) Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// </copyright>

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using Buttplug.Core.Messages;
using Buttplug.Core;

namespace Buttplug.Client
// <copyright file="DeviceAddedEventArgs.cs" company="Nonpolynomial Labs LLC">
// Buttplug C# Source Code File - Visit for more info about the project.
// Copyright (c) Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// </copyright>

namespace Buttplug.Client
// <copyright file="IButtplugClientConnector.cs" company="Nonpolynomial Labs LLC">
// Buttplug C# Source Code File - Visit for more info about the project.
// Copyright (c) Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// </copyright>

using System;
// <copyright file="ButtplugException.cs" company="Nonpolynomial Labs LLC">
// Buttplug C# Source Code File - Visit for more info about the project.
// Copyright (c) Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
// </copyright>

using System;
using Buttplug.Core;
using System;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using Buttplug.Core.Messages;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
2 snippets stored for this repo
    <title>Buttplug World</title>
<div class="page">
      <h1>Welcome to, 1995 HTML edition!</h1>
      <p> houses applications and tests for use with programs that support the Buttplug Sex Toy Control Protocol. For more information, visit <a href=""></a>.</p>
2 snippets stored for this repo
JavaScript IconJavaScript
     .buttplug-button {
	     box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 3px 0px #91b8b3;
JavaScript IconJavaScript
</div>`; = "buttplug-top-container";
1 snippets stored for this repo
Python IconPython
__version__ = "0.3.0"
name = "buttplug"
12 snippets stored for this repo
export "package:buttplug/client/client.dart";
export "package:buttplug/client/client_device.dart";
import 'package:buttplug/buttplug.dart';

class ButtplugClientDeviceException implements Exception {
// Return the contents of the message as the map we need to fill out normal Buttplug command messages.
  Map<int, T> asMap(int featureCount) {
import 'package:buttplug/messages/messages.dart';
import 'package:loggy/loggy.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/messages/messages.dart';

abstract class ButtplugClientConnector {
  Future<void> connect();
  Future<void> disconnect();
  void send(ButtplugClientMessageUnion message);
  Stream<ButtplugServerMessage> get messageStream;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:buttplug/connectors/connector.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/messages/messages.dart';
import 'package:loggy/loggy.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'dart:async';

import 'package:buttplug/client/client_device.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/client/sorter.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/connectors/connector.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/messages/messages.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/buttplug.dart';
import 'package:loggy/loggy.dart';

void main() async {
    logPrinter: const PrettyPrinter(),
    logOptions: const LogOptions(
// This should match what's in buttplug's rust server impl, but this is *not standardized*.
enum Endpoint {
/// Firmware updates (Buttplug does not update firmware, but some firmware endpoints are used for
  /// mode setting)
import 'package:json_annotation/json_annotation.dart';
import 'package:buttplug/messages/enums.dart';
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:buttplug/buttplug.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {
  group('Message de/serialization', () {
3 snippets stored for this repo
// Buttplug Rust Source Code File - See for more info.
// Copyright 2016-2024 Nonpolynomial Labs LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file in the project root
// for full license information.
JavaScript IconJavaScript
// Get document, or throw exception on error
const doc = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync('./device-config-v2/buttplug-device-config-v2.yml', 'utf8'));
for (var protocol in doc["protocols"]) {
JavaScript IconJavaScript

fs.writeFileSync("device-config-v3/buttplug-device-config-v3.yml", yaml.dump(doc));