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What is the purpose of this movie? A bunch of Americans enters Nazi-occupied France and starts slaughtering Germans. You see them scalping their enemies and beating them to death with baseball bats. While making jokes, of course.
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This movie only works because of the hidden Nazi-ideology underneath. It does not regard the enemy as people. And if the latter is supposed to be an element of the fun, I am happy to say that this kind of fun will always remain a mystery to me.
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But in spite of this, the film is good, rather than great. There are holes in the plot, and the essential device is actually a breach of the universal contract between the movie-goer and the the film-maker: the only way to avoid being suckered would be to adopt a scepticism so thorough-going that it would be impossible to enjoy this (or indeed any other) fictional tale. Neither of these things really matter, but what is more of a problem is the nugatory quality of what results: instead of delighting us with alternative realities, the film destroys its own premise without putting anything concrete in its place, as if it has no purpose beyond teasing. Teasing, however, is something it does extraordinarily well. In conclusion, 'The Usual Suspects' is a superior work of contemporary entertainment; but too empty to be rated a masterpiece.'''

txt[14]='''The title comes from a line in the classic film "Casablanca" (1942), where the corrupt police chief, anxious to cover up the murder of a Nazi officer, tells a subordinate to "round up the usual suspects," meaning that the police should find a bunch of random criminals to be questioned. In the film, the usual suspects are five small-time crooks who are brought together in a police line-up on trumped-up charges. Funny thing - the idea for this movie started only with the concept of a movie poster of five of guys in a lineup.

"The Usual suspects " is a modestly-budgeted piece . All the actors worked for less than their usual fees. It shows you their dedication to the project and seems impossible to make this film today , when almost every movie has a 200 mln budget. This movie doesn't have budget , but it has the thing that is really the most important in a movie – screenplay.